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Provides global access to a Page object.



At the top level of a template that receives a Page object in context, these are equivalent:

{{ }}
{{ }}
{{ }}

When a Page object is not in context, you can use the global page function:

{{ }}

Do not use the global page function in shortcodes, partials called by shortcodes, or cached partials. See warnings below.


Hugo almost always passes a Page as the data context into the top-level template (e.g., single.html). The one exception is the multihost sitemap template. This means that you can access the current page with the . in the template.

But when you are deeply nested inside of a content view, partial, or render hook, it is not always practical or possible to access the Page object.

Use the global page function to access the Page object from anywhere in any template.


Be aware of top-level context

The global page function accesses the Page object passed into the top-level template.

With this content structure:

├── posts/
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
└──      <-- title is "My Home Page"

And this code in the home template:

{{ range site.Sections }}
  {{ range .Pages }}
    {{ page.Title }}
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}

The rendered output will be:

My Home Page
My Home Page
My Home Page

In the example above, the global page function accesses the Page object passed into the home template; it does not access the Page object of the iterated pages.

Be aware of caching

Do not use the global page function in:

  • Shortcodes
  • Partials called by shortcodes
  • Partials cached by the partialCached function

Hugo caches rendered shortcodes. If you use the global page function within a shortcode, and the page content is rendered in two or more templates, the cached shortcode may be incorrect.

Consider this section template:

{{ range .Pages }}
  <h2><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle }}</a></h2>
  {{ .Summary }}
{{ end }}

When you call the Summary method, Hugo renders the page content including shortcodes. In this case, within a shortcode, the global page function accesses the Page object of the section page, not the content page.

If Hugo renders the section page before a content page, the cached rendered shortcode will be incorrect. You cannot control the rendering sequence due to concurrency.