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Defer execution of a template until after all sites and output formats have been rendered.


templates.Defer OPTIONS


New in v0.128.0

In some rare use cases, you may need to defer the execution of a template until after all sites and output formats have been rendered. One such example could be TailwindCSS using the output of hugo_stats.json to determine which classes and other HTML identifiers are being used in the final output:

{{ with (templates.Defer (dict "key" "global")) }}
  {{ $t := debug.Timer "tailwindcss" }}
  {{ with resources.Get "css/styles.css" }}
    {{ $opts := dict
      "inlineImports" true
      "optimize" hugo.IsProduction
    {{ with . | css.TailwindCSS $opts }}
      {{ if hugo.IsDevelopment }}
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ .RelPermalink }}" />
      {{ else }}
        {{ with . | minify | fingerprint }}
            href="{{ .RelPermalink }}"
            integrity="{{ .Data.Integrity }}"
            crossorigin="anonymous" />
        {{ end }}
      {{ end }}
    {{ end }}
  {{ end }}
  {{ $t.Stop }}
{{ end }}

This function only works in combination with the with keyword.

Variables defined on the outside are not visible on the inside and vice versa. To pass in data, use the data option.

For the above to work well when running the server (or hugo -w), you want to have a configuration similar to this:

    enable: true
  - source: assets/notwatching/hugo_stats\.json
    target: styles\.css
  - source: (postcss|tailwind)\.config\.js
    target: css
  - disableWatch: true
    source: hugo_stats.json
    target: assets/notwatching/hugo_stats.json
    enable = true
    source = 'assets/notwatching/hugo_stats\.json'
    target = 'styles\.css'
    source = '(postcss|tailwind)\.config\.js'
    target = 'css'
    disableWatch = true
    source = 'hugo_stats.json'
    target = 'assets/notwatching/hugo_stats.json'
   "build": {
      "buildStats": {
         "enable": true
      "cachebusters": [
            "source": "assets/notwatching/hugo_stats\\.json",
            "target": "styles\\.css"
            "source": "(postcss|tailwind)\\.config\\.js",
            "target": "css"
   "module": {
      "mounts": [
            "disableWatch": true,
            "source": "hugo_stats.json",
            "target": "assets/notwatching/hugo_stats.json"


The templates.Defer function takes a single argument, a map with the following optional keys:

key (string)
The key to use for the deferred template. This will, combined with a hash of the template content, be used as a cache key. If this is not set, Hugo will execute the deferred template on every render. This is not what you want for shared resources like CSS and JavaScript.
data (map)
Optional map to pass as data to the deferred template. This will be available in the deferred template as . or $.
Language Outside: {{ site.Language.Lang }}
Page Outside: {{ .RelPermalink }}
I18n Outside: {{ i18n "hello" }}
{{ $data := (dict "page" . )}}
{{ with (templates.Defer (dict "data" $data )) }}
     Language Inside: {{ site.Language.Lang }}
     Page Inside: {{ .page.RelPermalink }}
     I18n Inside: {{ i18n "hello" }}
{{ end }}

The output format, site, and language will be the same, even if the execution is deferred. In the example above, this means that the site.Language.Lang and .RelPermalink will be the same on the inside and the outside of the deferred template.