A quick reference guide to Hugo’s methods, grouped by object.
Use these methods with time.Duration values.
- Abs
- Returns the absolute value of the given time.Duration value.
- Hours
- Returns the time.Duration value as a floating point number of hours.
- Microseconds
- Returns the time.Duration value as an integer microsecond count.
- Milliseconds
- Returns the time.Duration value as an integer millisecond count.
- Minutes
- Returns the time.Duration value as a floating point number of minutes.
- Nanoseconds
- Returns the time.Duration value as an integer nanosecond count.
- Round
- Returns the result of rounding DURATION1 to the nearest multiple of DURATION2.
- Seconds
- Returns the time.Duration value as a floating point number of seconds.
- Truncate
- Returns the result of rounding DURATION1 toward zero to a multiple of DURATION2.
Use these methods when ranging through menu entries.
- ByName
- Returns the given menu with its entries sorted by name.
- ByWeight
- Returns the given menu with its entries sorted by weight, then by name, then by identifier.
- Limit
- Returns the given menu, limited to the first N entries.
- Reverse
- Returns the given menu, reversing the sort order of its entries.
Menu entry
Use these methods in your menu templates.
- Children
- Returns a collection of child menu entries, if any, under the given menu entry.
- HasChildren
- Reports whether the given menu entry has child menu entries.
- Identifier
- Returns the
property of the given menu entry. - KeyName
- Returns the
property of the given menu entry, falling back to itsname
property. - Returns the identifier of the menu that contains the given menu entry.
- Name
- Returns the
property of the given menu entry. - Page
- Returns the Page object associated with the given menu entry.
- PageRef
- Returns the
property of the given menu entry. - Params
- Returns the
property of the given menu entry. - Parent
- Returns the
property of the given menu entry. - Post
- Returns the
property of the given menu entry. - Pre
- Returns the
property of the given menu entry. - Title
- Returns the
property of the given menu entry. - URL
- Returns the relative permalink of the page associated with the given menu entry, else its
property. - Weight
- Returns the
property of the given menu entry.
Use these methods with a Page object.
- Aliases
- Returns the URL aliases as defined in front matter.
- AllTranslations
- Returns all translations of the given page, including the current language.
- AlternativeOutputFormats
- Returns a slice of OutputFormat objects, excluding the current output format, each representing one of the output formats enabled for the given page.
- Ancestors
- Returns a collection of Page objects, one for each ancestor section of the given page.
- BundleType
- Returns the bundle type of the given page, or an empty string if the page is not a page bundle.
- CodeOwners
- Returns of slice of code owners for the given page, derived from the CODEOWNERS file in the root of the project directory.
- Content
- Returns the rendered content of the given page.
- ContentWithoutSummary
- Returns the rendered content of the given page, excluding the content summary.
- CurrentSection
- Returns the Page object of the section in which the given page resides.
- Data
- Returns a unique data object for each page kind.
- Date
- Returns the date of the given page.
- Description
- Returns the description of the given page as defined in front matter.
- Draft
- Reports whether the given page is a draft as defined in front matter.
- Eq
- Reports whether two Page objects are equal.
- ExpiryDate
- Returns the expiry date of the given page.
- File
- For pages backed by a file, returns file information for the given page.
- FirstSection
- Returns the Page object of the top-level section of which the given page is a descendant.
- Fragments
- Returns a data structure of the fragments in the given page.
- FuzzyWordCount
- Returns the number of words in the content of the given page, rounded up to the nearest multiple of 100.
- GetPage
- Returns a Page object from the given path.
- GetTerms
- Returns a collection of term pages for terms defined on the given page in the given taxonomy, ordered according to the sequence in which they appear in front matter.
- GitInfo
- Returns Git information related to the last commit of the given page.
- Reports whether the given Page object matches the Page object associated with one of the child menu entries under the given menu entry in the given menu.
- HasShortcode
- Reports whether the given shortcode is called by the given page.
- HeadingsFiltered
- Returns a slice of headings for each page related to the given page.
- InSection
- Reports whether the given page is in the given section.
- IsAncestor
- Reports whether PAGE1 is an ancestor of PAGE2.
- IsDescendant
- Reports whether PAGE1 is a descendant of PAGE2.
- IsHome
- Reports whether the given page is the home page.
- Reports whether the given Page object matches the Page object associated with the given menu entry in the given menu.
- IsNode
- Reports whether the given page is a node.
- IsPage
- Reports whether the given page is a regular page.
- IsSection
- Reports whether the given page is a section page.
- IsTranslated
- Reports whether the given page has one or more translations.
- Keywords
- Returns a slice of keywords as defined in front matter.
- Kind
- Returns the kind of the given page.
- Language
- Returns the language object for the given page.
- Lastmod
- Returns the last modification date of the given page.
- Layout
- Returns the layout for the given page as defined in front matter.
- Len
- Returns the length, in bytes, of the rendered content of the given page.
- LinkTitle
- Returns the link title of the given page.
- Next
- Returns the next page in a site's collection of regular pages, relative to the current page.
- NextInSection
- Returns the next regular page in a section, relative to the given page.
- OutputFormats
- Returns a slice of OutputFormat objects, each representing one of the output formats enabled for the given page.
- Page
- Returns the Page object of the given page.
- Pages
- Returns a collection of regular pages within the current section, and section pages of immediate descendant sections.
- Paginate
- Paginates a collection of pages.
- Paginator
- Paginates the collection of regular pages received in context.
- Param
- Returns a page parameter with the given key, falling back to a site parameter if present.
- Params
- Returns a map of custom parameters as defined in the front matter of the given page.
- Parent
- Returns the Page object of the parent section of the given page.
- Path
- Returns the logical path of the given page.
- Permalink
- Returns the permalink of the given page.
- Plain
- Returns the rendered content of the given page, removing all HTML tags.
- PlainWords
- Calls the Plain method, splits the result into a slice of words, and returns the slice.
- Prev
- Returns the previous page in a site's collection of regular pages, relative to the current page.
- PrevInSection
- Returns the previous regular page in a section, relative to the given page.
- PublishDate
- Returns the publish date of the given page.
- RawContent
- Returns the raw content of the given page.
- ReadingTime
- Returns the estimated reading time, in minutes, for the given page.
- Ref
- Returns the absolute URL of the page with the given path, language, and output format.
- RegularPages
- Returns a collection of regular pages within the current section.
- RegularPagesRecursive
- Returns a collection of regular pages within the current section, and regular pages within all descendant sections.
- RelPermalink
- Returns the relative permalink of the given page.
- RelRef
- Returns the relative URL of the page with the given path, language, and output format.
- Render
- Renders the given template with the given page as context.
- RenderShortcodes
- Renders all shortcodes in the content of the given page, preserving the surrounding markup.
- RenderString
- Renders markup to HTML.
- Resources
- Returns a collection of page resources.
- Scratch
- Returns a "scratch pad" to store and manipulate data, scoped to the current page.
- Section
- Returns the name of the top-level section in which the given page resides.
- Sections
- Returns a collection of section pages, one for each immediate descendant section of the given page.
- Site
- Returns the Site object.
- Sitemap
- Returns the sitemap settings for the given page as defined in front matter, falling back to the sitemap settings as defined in the site configuration.
- Sites
- Returns a collection of all Site objects, one for each language, ordered by language weight.
- Slug
- Returns the URL slug of the given page as defined in front matter.
- Store
- Returns a "scratch pad" to store and manipulate data, scoped to the current page.
- Summary
- Returns the summary of the given page.
- TableOfContents
- Returns a table of contents for the given page.
- Title
- Returns the title of the given page.
- TranslationKey
- Returns the translation key of the given page.
- Translations
- Returns all translations of the given page, excluding the current language.
- Truncated
- Reports whether the content length exceeds the summary length.
- Type
- Returns the content type of the given page.
- Weight
- Returns the weight of the given page as defined in front matter.
- WordCount
- Returns the number of words in the content of the given page.
Use these methods with Pager objects when building navigation for a paginated list page.
- First
- Returns the first pager in the pager collection.
- HasNext
- Reports whether there is a pager after the current pager.
- HasPrev
- Reports whether there is a pager before the current pager.
- Last
- Returns the last pager in the pager collection.
- Next
- Returns the next pager in the pager collection.
- NumberOfElements
- Returns the number of pages in the current pager.
- PageGroups
- Returns the page groups in the current pager.
- PageNumber
- Returns the current pager's number within the pager collection.
- Pagers
- Returns the pagers collection.
- PagerSize
- Returns the number of pages per pager.
- Pages
- Returns the pages in the current pager.
- PageSize
- Returns the number of pages per pager.
- Prev
- Returns the previous pager in the pager collection.
- TotalNumberOfElements
- Returns the number of pages in the pager collection.
- TotalPages
- Returns the number of pagers in the pager collection.
- Returns the URL of the current pager relative to the site root.
Use these methods with a collection of Page objects.
- ByDate
- Returns the given page collection sorted by date in ascending order.
- ByExpiryDate
- Returns the given page collection sorted by expiration date in ascending order.
- ByLanguage
- Returns the given page collection sorted by language in ascending order.
- ByLastmod
- Returns the given page collection sorted by last modification date in ascending order.
- ByLength
- Returns the given page collection sorted by content length in ascending order.
- ByLinkTitle
- Returns the given page collection sorted by link title in ascending order, falling back to title if link title is not defined.
- ByParam
- Returns the given page collection sorted by the given parameter in ascending order.
- ByPublishDate
- Returns the given page collection sorted by publish date in ascending order.
- ByTitle
- Returns the given page collection sorted by title in ascending order.
- ByWeight
- Returns the given page collection sorted by weight in ascending order.
- GroupBy
- Returns the given page collection grouped by the given field in ascending order.
- GroupByDate
- Returns the given page collection grouped by date in descending order.
- GroupByExpiryDate
- Returns the given page collection grouped by expiration date in descending order.
- GroupByLastmod
- Returns the given page collection grouped by last modification date in descending order.
- GroupByParam
- Returns the given page collection grouped by the given parameter in ascending order.
- GroupByParamDate
- Returns the given page collection grouped by the given date parameter in descending order.
- GroupByPublishDate
- Returns the given page collection grouped by publish date in descending order.
- Len
- Returns the number of pages in the given page collection.
- Limit
- Returns the first N pages from the given page collection.
- Next
- Returns the next page in a page collection, relative to the given page.
- Prev
- Returns the previous page in a page collection, relative to the given page.
- Returns a collection of pages related to the given page.
- Reverse
- Returns the given page collection in reverse order.
Use these methods with global, page, and remote Resource objects.
- Colors
- Applicable to images, returns a slice of the most dominant colors using a simple histogram method.
- Content
- Returns the content of the given resource.
- Crop
- Applicable to images, returns an image resource cropped to the given dimensions without resizing.
- Data
- Applicable to resources returned by the resources.GetRemote function, returns information from the HTTP response.
- Err
- Applicable to resources returned by the resources.GetRemote function, returns an error message if the HTTP request fails, else nil.
- Exif
- Applicable to JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and WebP images, returns an EXIF object containing image metadata.
- Fill
- Applicable to images, returns an image resource cropped and resized to the given dimensions.
- Filter
- Applicable to images, applies one or more image filters to the given image resource.
- Fit
- Applicable to images, returns an image resource downscaled to fit the given dimensions while maintaining aspect ratio.
- Height
- Applicable to images, returns the height of the given resource.
- MediaType
- Returns a media type object for the given resource.
- Name
- Returns the name of the given resource as optionally defined in front matter, falling back to its file path.
- Params
- Returns a map of resource parameters as defined in front matter.
- Permalink
- Publishes the given resource and returns its permalink.
- Process
- Applicable to images, returns an image resource processed with the given specification.
- Publish
- Publishes the given resource.
- RelPermalink
- Publishes the given resource and returns its relative permalink.
- Resize
- Applicable to images, returns an image resource resized to the given width and/or height.
- ResourceType
- Returns the main type of the given resource's media type.
- Title
- Returns the title of the given resource as optionally defined in front matter, falling back to a relative path or hashed file name depending on resource type.
- Width
- Applicable to images, returns the width of the given resource.
Use these methods in your shortcode templates.
- Get
- Returns the value of the given argument.
- Inner
- Returns the content between opening and closing shortcode tags, applicable when the shortcode call includes a closing tag.
- InnerDeindent
- Returns the content between opening and closing shortcode tags, with indentation removed, applicable when the shortcode call includes a closing tag.
- IsNamedParams
- Reports whether the shortcode call uses named arguments.
- Name
- Returns the shortcode file name, excluding the file extension.
- Ordinal
- Returns the zero-based ordinal of the shortcode in relation to its parent.
- Page
- Returns the Page object from which the shortcode was called.
- Params
- Returns a collection of the shortcode arguments.
- Parent
- Returns the parent shortcode context in nested shortcodes.
- Position
- Returns the file name and position from which the shortcode was called.
- Ref
- Returns the absolute URL of the page with the given path, language, and output format.
- RelRef
- Returns the relative URL of the page with the given path, language, and output format.
- Scratch
- Returns a "scratch pad" to store and manipulate data, scoped to the current shortcode.
- Site
- Returns the Site object.
- Store
- Returns a "scratch pad" to store and manipulate data, scoped to the current shortcode.
Use these methods with Site objects.
- AllPages
- Returns a collection of all pages in all languages.
- BaseURL
- Returns the base URL as defined in the site configuration.
- BuildDrafts
- Reports whether the current build includes draft pages.
- Config
- Returns a subset of the site configuration.
- Copyright
- Returns the copyright notice as defined in the site configuration.
- Data
- Returns a data structure composed from the files in the data directory.
- DisqusShortname
- Returns the Disqus shortname as defined in the site configuration.
- GetPage
- Returns a Page object from the given path.
- GoogleAnalytics
- Returns the Google Analytics tracking ID as defined in the site configuration.
- Home
- Returns the home Page object for the given site.
- IsDevelopment
- Reports whether the current running environment is “development”.
- IsMultiLingual
- Reports whether there are two or more configured languages.
- IsServer
- Reports whether the built-in development server is running.
- Language
- Returns the language object for the given site.
- LanguagePrefix
- Returns the URL language prefix, if any, for the given site.
- Languages
- Returns a collection of language objects for all sites, ordered by language weight.
- LastChange
- Returns the last modification date of site content.
- Lastmod
- Returns the last modification date of site content.
- MainSections
- Returns a slice of the main section names as defined in the site configuration, falling back to the top-level section with the most pages.
- Returns a collection of menu objects for the given site.
- Pages
- Returns a collection of all pages.
- Param
- Returns the site parameter with the given key.
- Params
- Returns a map of custom parameters as defined in the site configuration.
- RegularPages
- Returns a collection of all regular pages.
- Sections
- Returns a collection of top-level section pages.
- Sites
- Returns a collection of all Site objects, one for each language, ordered by default content language then by language weight.
- Store
- Returns a "scratch pad" to store and manipulate data, scoped to the current site.
- Taxonomies
- Returns a data structure containing the site's Taxonomy objects, the terms within each Taxonomy object, and the pages to which the terms are assigned.
- Title
- Returns the title as defined in the site configuration.
Use these methods with Taxonomy objects.
- Alphabetical
- Returns an ordered taxonomy, sorted alphabetically by term.
- ByCount
- Returns an ordered taxonomy, sorted by the number of pages associated with each term.
- Count
- Returns the number of number of weighted pages to which the given term has been assigned.
- Get
- Returns a slice of weighted pages to which the given term has been assigned.
- Page
- Returns the taxonomy page or nil if the taxonomy has no terms.
Use these methods with time.Time values.
- Add
- Returns the given time plus the given duration.
- AddDate
- Returns the time corresponding to adding the given number of years, months, and days to the given time.Time value.
- After
- Reports whether TIME1 is after TIME2.
- Before
- Reports whether TIME1 is before TIME2.
- Day
- Returns the day of the month of the given time.Time value.
- Equal
- Reports whether TIME1 is equal to TIME2.
- Format
- Returns a textual representation of the time.Time value formatted according to the layout string.
- Hour
- Returns the hour within the day of the given time.Time value, in the range [0, 23].
- Reports whether the given time.Time value is in Daylight Savings Time.
- IsZero
- Reports whether the given time.Time value represents the zero time instant, January 1, year 1, 00:00:00 UTC.
- Local
- Returns the given time.Time value with the location set to local time.
- Minute
- Returns the minute offset within the hour of the given time.Time value, in the range [0, 59].
- Month
- Returns the month of the year of the given time.Time value.
- Nanosecond
- Returns the nanosecond offset within the second of the given time.Time value, in the range [0, 999999999].
- Round
- Returns the result of rounding TIME to the nearest multiple of DURATION since January 1, 0001, 00:00:00 UTC.
- Second
- Returns the second offset within the minute of the given time.Time value, in the range [0, 59].
- Sub
- Returns the duration computed by subtracting TIME2 from TIME1.
- Truncate
- Returns the result of rounding TIME down to a multiple of DURATION since January 1, 0001, 00:00:00 UTC.
- Unix
- Returns the given time.Time value expressed as the number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 UTC.
- UnixMicro
- Returns the given time.Time value expressed as the number of microseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 UTC.
- UnixMilli
- Returns the given time.Time value expressed as the number of milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 UTC.
- UnixNano
- Returns the given time.Time value expressed as the number of nanoseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 UTC.
- Returns the given time.Time value with the location set to UTC.
- Weekday
- Returns the day of the week of the given time.Time value.
- Year
- Returns the year of the given time.Time value.
- YearDay
- Returns the day of the year of the given time.Time value, in the range [1, 365] for non-leap years, and [1, 366] in leap years.