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Data inspection

Use template functions to inspect values and data structures.

Use the debug.Dump function to inspect a data structure:

<pre>{{ debug.Dump .Params }}</pre>
  "date": "2023-11-10T15:10:42-08:00",
  "draft": false,
  "iscjklanguage": false,
  "lastmod": "2023-11-10T15:10:42-08:00",
  "publishdate": "2023-11-10T15:10:42-08:00",
  "tags": [
  "title": "My first post"

Use the printf function (render) or warnf function (log to console) to inspect simple data structures. The layout string below displays both value and data type.

{{ $value := 42 }}
{{ printf "%[1]v (%[1]T)" $value }} → 42 (int)